Welcome! The Resource Room contains tools to help you succeed. You'll find tools to help you organize your thoughts, review material, brainstorm, generate project ideas, and study.

Blog Policy

  1. Students shall be respectful of others at all times. Personal attacks and derogatory remarks will not be tolerated.
  2. Opinions often differ--keep comments constructive. Argue your point by providing supporting evidence. The more strongly you support your argument with concrete evidence, the more persuasive you are.
  3. Use language appropriate for the blog. The blog is the extension of our classroom--use language you’d use in the classroom.
  4. No texting abbreviations.
  5. When inserting videos, images, etcetera from external sources, make sure they are appropriate to the subject at hand and appropriate for school. Once again, it MUST be classroom appropriate.
  6. Do NOT include personal information in your posts. This includes:
    1. your full name--stick to your pseudonym
    2. your address
    3. where you work
    4. your daily routine
    5. your picture or pictures of your classmates
    6. type of car you drive
    7. parental identifying information
  7. Do NOT identify other classmates participating in the blog. Use their pseudonyms only.
  8. Have fun, blog entries don’t always have to be clinical and serious. Humor is allowed as long as it’s appropriate and relates to the topic.
  9. Question! Question! Question! Always ask the Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? when reading a post.
  10. Remember--everything you read, watch, and hear reflects the opinion of the author, corporate owner, etc. Dig deeper and look for opposing opinions to gain a greater understanding of the topic.

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