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Thursday, June 4, 2015

English 9 Final: Vocabulary Review

The year's quickly coming to a close and your final is just around the corner. Your teacher wants you to review several poetry terms. The flashcards below will help you brush up.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pangaea: An Overview

This first video presents an overview of Pangaea:

This short animation shows how Pangaea broke apart:

Graphing Exponential Functions

If you need to review or need additional assistance on how to graph exponential functions, check this Khan Academy video:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents

Changing radicals to rational exponents. Here is a video to review this procedure.
Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents

Romeo & Juliet A Review

Figure 1. Globe Theatre

Romeo and Juliet has come to a close. Both characters have met a tragic end and the family feud has come to a close. With that said, it's time for your exam. Here you'll find review materials to accompany that which was provided to you by your teacher.
Figure 2. William Shakespeare
First know some things about William Shakespeare: 
  •      Born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon
  •      Died in 1616
 The two names of his acting company:     
  •  Lord Chamberlain's Men
  •  The King's Men
Know the various pieces and parts of the the Globe Theatre. The diagram above (Figure 1) depicts all the parts you need to know.

Familiarize yourself with all the major characters in the story. In addition, know what happens during major scenes--who fights who, who dies, and the consequences of the interaction. Cruise over to the Pinterest page and see some faces and scenes from the story. Use them to help you describe what happens.

Follow Dawn's board Romeo and Juliet on Pinterest.

In addition, you'll need to know a few literary terms. Be sure to review the definitions so you can identify how quotes from Romeo and Juliet are used. Use the flashcards to brush up on the terms you need to know.


Figure 1. Globe Theatre. Obtained from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/06/77/54/067754845139837598de5fbc436edacd.jpg.

Figure 2. William Shakespeare. Obtained from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare.